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Upload rejected documents

We tell you how to review and complete "missing confirmation" and/or "rejected" documents.

Updated over a week ago

Incomplete documents are in the "No confirmation" folder. They indicate the reason why they could not be read.

Check and verify that the information in the document is correct:

  1. Complete the basic information:

    1. Date

      Select the date the document was issued.

    2. Supplier

      Searches and selects the corresponding supplier. If not in the list, create a new supplier.

    3. Category

      Selects the category to which the vendor belongs, e.g. "raw material", "beverages", "communication", etc.

    4. Document type

      Selects the type of document from the available options, e.g. "invoice", "delivery note", "return", etc.

    5. Document number

      Enter the number that uniquely identifies the document.

  2. Haz clic en "Paso 2 - Total / IVA"

    1. Click on "Step 2 - Total / VAT".

      Active VAT breakdown - Recommended

    2. Inactive VAT breakdown

  3. Details and products

    This is the most important part, pay special attention to the description, quantity, unit, unit price and total.

🍎 Products are automatically generated from the document details.

⚠️ It is essential to check them carefully before confirming the upload of a document. Otherwise, there could be errors in the creation and grouping of products.

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