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Duplicate products, why?
Duplicate products, why?
Updated over a week ago

A product is duplicated when there are differences in the following elements of the invoice, delivery note or ticket:

If you want to see a joint analysis of two different products, group the products together. See how to do this in the product grouping article.

🍎 The description is different

If the product description has differences, two separate products will be created.

Example: The products "Ice" and "Ice bag" although they have the same format and supplier, will be two separate products.

✨ Solution: Group the products together. Follow the steps in the article "How to group products".

📦 The purchase format is different.

"We cannot compare boxes with kilos".

If the purchase format has been digitised differently, the product will be treated as two different products.

Example: Even if the product "Ice" has the same description and supplier, if there is a purchase in "kg" and in "bags" they will be two separate products.

✨ Solution: Group the products together. Follow the steps in the article "How to group products".

🚚 The supplier is different

If you buy a product from two or more suppliers, by default it will be treated as different products.

Example: Even if "Ice" has the same description and purchase format, if there is a purchase from "Makro" and another from "Harbest Market", they will be seen as two separate products.

✨ Solution: Group the products together. Follow the steps in the article "How to group products".

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